Uplifting Our Young People’s Faith Journeys

Uplifting Our Young People’s Faith Journeys

Youth Faith Formation resumes with church school and confirmation classes

On Sunday, September 22nd, we began our service by commissioning our church school teachers and students, and presenting those beginning the confirmation process.

Children starting at kindergarten age are welcome to participate in church school which is concurrent with the 10:00 a.m. service. They join us in the sanctuary again for Communion. This week they discussed the beauty of God’s creation and made bookmarks which were given out to the congregation. Then they were honored with a special postlude by our choir.

In addition, high school students beginning the confirmation process were presented along with their parents and sponsors. In the Episcopal Church, confirmation–which is witnessed by a bishop–is an affirmation of your commitment to the church as you begin to take on a more adult role. As such, while the parents are included in the process, at the end it is up to each individual whether or not to actually be confirmed. Adults–particularly those who grew up in a different faith tradition or none–can be confirmed (or received, if they were confirmed in a different church) as a way to mark their formal decision to become an Episcopalian. It is not a strict requirement for anyone, other than those aspiring to particular leadership roles.