St. Mark’s announces Lenten offerings

Seems like Christmas was yesterday, but Ash Wednesday is right around the corner! Here is a summary of what we have planned for the season of Lent:
- Sunday, February 11th is the last Sunday after the Epiphany. We will again be observing “Sunday Gras” with an upbeat service and a festive coffee hour reception. Beads and masks encouraged and we usually have some to share
- The same day we will have the introduction to our Lenten Sunday forum, which will be based on the book Will You?, A Lenten Study of Baptismal Promises by Amanda Perkins McGriff. The following five weekly meetings are discussion-based, covering the “Will you?” questions of the Baptismal Covenant. Participants are asked to commit to a personal study of seven brief devotions each week throughout the five weeks of the program, concluding on Palm Sunday (March 24th). We have some copies of the book for $8, or it can be ordered in various forms here. Electronic and audio versions are available. This will be an in-person offering only.
- Wednesday, February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day, it’s Ash Wednesday! We will have services with the imposition of ashes at 12 noon and 7:30 p.m. (the evening service will be available on Zoom).
- Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 p.m. we will begin our online Lenten series with Fr. Jim Warnke. This will take place each Thursday during Lent on Zoom and continue with Compline (Night Prayer) at 8:00 p.m. You may join using the Compline link: