Revised COVID-19 Protocols

In concurrence with updated diocesan communications and guidance from health authorities, we continue to evaluate our COVID-19 protocols. In order to continue with in-person services in the sanctuary, we ask that we all work together to keep everyone safe. This includes:
- Registering to attend in person either by completing this form or in person at the door. This is not for any other purpose but to facilitate contact tracing in the event someone tests positive for the virus.
- Wearing a mask at all times within the church (ensuring that your nose and mouth are covered). Double-masking or properly wearing properly fitted KN-95 or N-95 masks is strongly encouraged
- Maintaining a safe distance within the pews (our usher will be happy to assist you with seating)
- Dressing for the weather, as we must keep the doors and windows open during the service for air circulation
- Gathering outdoors for post-service conversation
- Staying home if you feel sick
For our part, we will aim to keep services to a reasonable length while these conditions persist.
In accordance with current risk assessment, beginning on Palm Sunday (10th April, 2022) we will once again allow (masked) congregational singing and sharing the common cup at Communion. In addition, those on the altar may remove their mask while leading in prayer or song. Either is, of course, subject to individual comfort and discretion.
With all our hearts and minds, let us pray to the Lord believing God hears our prayers and sees our tears. God of eternal love, this COVID-19 pandemic opened a Pandora’s Box of deadly virus causing untold suffering to the world, causing diseases and death to millions of people and wreaking havoc to the economy. Look with compassion upon your people, and all people are your people. Heal the sick, save the dying, give eternal rest to the dead and comfort the bereaved. Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.