Requiescat in Pace: The Rt. Rev. John Palmer Croneberger

We are sad to share the news of the death of the Rt. Rev. John Palmer Croneberger, who served as the Bishop of Newark from 2000-2007. Bishop Croneberger was elected Bishop Coadjutor on June 6, 1998 and consecrated on November 21, 1998. He became Bishop Diocesan upon the retirement of Bishop John Shelby Spong on January 29, 2000 and served as 9th Bishop of Newark for seven years, until the consecration of Bishop Mark M. Beckwith on January 27, 2007.
Bishop Croneberger visited St. Mark’s on a number of occasions. Parishioner Allison Davis shared this video from the re-dedication of the building after the “Throw Open the Doors” accessibility campaign which began in 2002. Below is Bishop Croneberger flanked by the Rev. Randall Day, our rector at the time, and the Rev. Denise Harper Bennett, priest associate. At right is the Hon. Jacqueline Kates, then Mayor of Teaneck. The late Mark Fisher and Dale Hibbard are in the background.
Bishop Croneberger was predeceased by his wife, Marilyn, in 2013. He is survived by their five children and many grandchildren.
Good and gracious God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, you sent your servant Jack to be a priest and bishop in your Church to feed your sheep with your word and to guide them by his example; give us the grace to keep the faith he taught and to follow in his footsteps. We entrust him into your unfailing mystery of Love and Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.