Nia Capers Confirmed at Christ Church, Ridgewood

On Wednesday, May 25th, St. Mark’s own Nia Capers was among a group of young people who received their Confirmation at a service at Christ Church in Ridgewood led by the Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Bishop of Newark. The event was witnessed by her parents Rob & Kim Capers, her sponsor Jennifer Lee-Lecky, Alex Lecky, and the Rev. Joan Conley.
Nia has been part of a small group of young people which has been studying and discerning their involvement in the church for the past year. Their adult mentors are Teresa Austin, Kate Norris, Marsha Mackey, the Rev. Joan Conley, the Rev. Jim Warnke, and Ted Mather. All the participants will be celebrated at our service on June 19th, our Youth Recognition Sunday event.
While not considered a “sacrament” by the Episcopal Church, Confirmation is an opportunity to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and recommit to the responsibilities of one’s baptism. Since most of us are baptized as children, confirmation is the first time we are taking this step on our own, and potential confirmands are encouraged to embark in the study with no pressure to undergo the rite at the end. While many people do so while in high school, you can be confirmed at any age and it is required for some leadership positions. Those who were already confirmed in another faith but wish to formalize their commitment to the Episcopal Church receive a similar rite called “receiving” which can be done at the same service. For more information about Confirmation/Reception, please contact us.
Congratulations, Nia!