Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares our worship space for services, caring for the seasonal textile trappings of liturgy as well as the vessels used to bless and distribute Holy Communion.
Through the pattern of the church year with its various themes and colors, this dedicated team ensures the altar area is a fitting home for Christ’s sacrifice to be shared, and that the trappings of worship are carefully cleaned and stored again for their next use.

In addition to Sunday services, this guild may be called upon for weddings, baptisms, funerals and other special occasions including the major feasts of the church.
On Maundy (Holy) Thursday, the entire Guild performs the ritual Stripping of the Altar at which all the accoutrements of worship are ceremonially but reverently removed from view at the conclusion of the service. This symbolizes the absence of Christ in the form of the blessed sacraments, which are brought to a special Altar of Repose outside the church for consumption on Good Friday, the only day of the church year that the Eucharist is not celebrated.

The Guild works in teams to provide coverage each week. This is quiet work, and those who offer it, find it deeply meaningful. St. Mark’s has dedicated Altar Guild members who serve with reverence and joy! All members of the altar guild truly feel it is an honor to serve the church in this very important ministry.