“Lion’s Den” Open Mic Nights Return Oct. 29th

After a hiatus of nearly three years, the Lion’s Den Coffee House & Open Mic Night returns to Caroll Hall at St. Mark’s on Saturday, October 29th at 7 p.m. This long-standing tradition at St. Mark’s is an opportunity to perform vocal and/or instrumental music, spoken word, poetry, comedy and more in front of a supportive audience. We provide the backline, refreshments and hospitality, but we need you to bring the talent and the audience.
The event occurred monthly (or almost monthly) for many years until it was forced to go on hiatus by the onset of COVID-19 in our area. Several “virtual coffee houses” were held on Zoom but we welcome the opportunity to be back in person after a long absence, during which we sadly lost several long-time fixtures at the Den, Russ Kip Moore and Carolyn Messina.
If you use Facebook you can RSVP to the event on the Den’s own page (it can also be find on the church’s page). If you have questions you can also email Rich Kearney at richardkeithkearney@yahoo.com or call (201) 928-0070.