Morning Prayer Just Hits Different

On Sunday, April 28th, lay leaders from St. Mark’s stepped up and led the congregation in Morning Prayer as Joan had a well-earned weekend away. Jeffrey Kist officiated at the service and Kelly Wilson preached. Barbara Kist read the lessons and led us in the prayers of the people.
Morning Prayer used to be the staple at most Episcopal churches, with Holy Communion being celebrated about once a month. This changed around the time of the current Book of Common Prayer in was published in 1979 as there was a strong movement for weekly Eucharist.
We reverted to this Morning Prayer for our online services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many Episcopalians pray it on their own (or along with a podcast) during the week, but in person we will typically use the Ante-Communion (literally “before Communion”) rite, which follows the familiar order but omits the consecration, skipping right from the Exhange of Peace & Offertory to the Lord’s Prayer.