Halloween at St. Mark’s

On Sunday, October 29th, we had a special prayer blessing Halloween costumes. “Kids” of all ages were encouraged to dress up and gather in the Crossing after communion while the prayer, written by the Rev. Sarah Phelps, was said:
Holy God, giver of life, we know you are ruler over all things that make us fearful. You triumph over the evils in our world, and you raise your people to life again after death. As the One who created us, we know it makes you glad to hear us laugh, and to watch us play. So, we ask you to bless all here today who have dressed in their Halloween costumes. Bless all who will go out “trick-or-treating” this week. Let their laughter and the wholesome fun they enjoy be a sign to all who do not know you, that your Love reigns over all things in heaven and on earth. Amen.
George our organist continued the spooky fun with a special postlude:
Afterwards, we had a festive coffee hour where we recognized some of the more recent newcomers to our parish family. Lots of fun and laughs for all!