Blessing of the Animals
Parishioners honor St. Francis love of creation by bringing pets to church for a blessing
Parishioners honor St. Francis love of creation by bringing pets to church for a blessing
Triennial visit brings hope and challenge in an extraordinary time
Tropical food, music and fun warmed a chilly fall evening
Screenings/Discussions part of Creation Care offerings
Gathering in Baltimore focused on racial reconciliation, creation care, and evangelism
On Sunday, June 24th, St. Mark’s was pleased to host a screening of Resurrecting Love: the Cemetery that could Heal a Nation. Resurrecting Love is the independent narrative documentary film about race, reparations, and reconciliation told through the lens …
“Sneak Peak” at New Film on Racial Reconciliation Read more »
On Saturday, June 17th, and Monday, June 19th, St. Mark’s served the starting and ending point of a pilgrimage to sites in our area significant in the history of African-Americans in our area. Stops included: The African American Baptist Church …
On Sunday, June 4th, Teaneck Township held its first LGBT+ Pride observance. Following the 10:00 service a group gathered at the corner of Cedar Lane and Teaneck Road and marched approximately two-thirds of a mile to Votee Park where a …
St. Mark’s Takes Part in Teaneck’s First Pride Observance Read more »
Solemn service with readings and music by choir & orchestra