Holy Eucharist – The First Sunday in Lent

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

Holy Eucharist – The First Sunday in Lent

119 119 people viewed this event.

Full service of Holy Communion for the First Sunday in Lent.

The Rev. Joan F. Conley will preside and the Rev. James Warnke will preach. Director of Music George Wesner returns to the organ bench.

You may join us in our barrier-free sanctuary or on Zoom (bit.ly/stmarksunday). Sunday school for ages 5-12 and nursery car for infants-preschoolers is available.

St. Mark’s has been “Celebrating God’s Inclusive Love” since 1925. Our joyful and diverse community meets at the intersection of an ancient faith and modern thought, and we invite seekers, questioners and doubters of any religious background (or none).

PHOTO CREDIT: “Cast Your Bread upon the Waters” – TJ Gehling (flickr.com/tjgehling) used under Creative Commons license.

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Date And Time

2025-03-09 | 10:00 AM



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