Episcopal Leaders Voice Grief as SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade

Grace Church, New York
The two presiding officers of the Episcopal Church issued statements today in response to the Supreme Court effectively overturning Roe v. Wade in a landmark ruling on abortions after 15 weeks in Mississippi.
“While I, like many, anticipated this decision, I am deeply grieved by it. We as a church have tried carefully to be responsive both to the moral value of women having the right to determine their healthcare choices as well as the moral value of all life. Today’s decision institutionalizes inequality because women with access to resources will be able to exercise their moral judgment in ways that women without the same resources will not.” said the Most. Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church said in a written statement.
“In keeping with these actions of General Convention, and in solidarity with those who are most vulnerable to this act of Christian extremism, we Episcopalians must now turn our attention to peacefully protesting state laws that seek to deny reproductive health care, and to protecting clergy and lay leaders who will be caring for and counseling pregnant people in an ever-more perilous environment.” asserted the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House of Deputies.
The Episcopal Church has long had a nuanced stance on abortion which reflects the deeply diverse and evolving beliefs of its membership. This is reflected in a series of resolutions that have been issued at our triennial General Conventions over the years. The Episcopal Public Policy Network offers a tool helping those concerned with today’s ruling to contact their elected officials.