Election Day Prayer Services

Recognizing that this year’s closely-watched national election is a particularly fraught one for many people, St. Mark’s elected to offer two services to help those who are experiencing anxiety or tension as we vote, and then wait for polls to close and ballots to be counted.
St. Mark’s, which is a polling place, kept the sanctuary open all day for anyone who needed a quiet place for prayer or reflection.
At noon, the Rev. Joan Conley officiated at a simple spoken service, excerpts of which may be seen below
The service concluded with the prayer “To Be the Blessing” written by the Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, which became the text of a video “seasons greetings” St. Mark’s sent to the community last year:
In the midst of chaos, I will be peace. In the heart of anger, I will be love. In the presence of despair, I will be hope. Those are my assignments. Not imposed on me, but taken up willingly as a witness to what I believe is true for all of us. The circle of life needs and deserves peace, love and hope. Our shared calling is to embody that grace, to live what we pray, to be the blessing we ask of others.
Then at 8:00 p.m. we offered Compline, the Night Prayer service from the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer, on Zoom. It is our hope that people, regardless of their own politics or the outcome of the election, feel safe and welcome to pray with us.