Deacon-to-Be Jackie McLeod Heads to Bloomfield/Glen Ridge
Longtime Parishioner Takes Next Step Towards Ordination
Longtime Parishioner Takes Next Step Towards Ordination
Served as Presiding Bishop from 1998-2003, he died March 5th at age 85.
Newark’s Bishop from 2000-2007, he died Feb. 23rd at the age of 84.
Fr. Louis was Rector of St. Mark’s from 1971-1978
Join us for a free tribute to the Great White Way!
Father and son parishioners bring talented friends to enhance worship at July 31st service
St. Markers participated in Teaneck’s annual Independence Day parade, wearing orange to keep awareness on gun violence
Service for June 19th marked Juneteenth and Father’s Day and celebrated our young people