Amazing Love! St. Mark’s Day & a New Deacon

St. Markers turned out in force to observe our patronal festival and celebrate the recent ordination of the Rev. Jacqueline McLeod, whom we sponsored in her discernment and calling as a vocational (permanent) deacon.
Our Rector, the Rev. Joan F. Conley, presided at the service of Holy Communion and the Rev. James Warnke, who was also ordained from St. Mark’s, gave the sermon. In her new role, Jackie read the Gospel (the parable of the Good Shepherd), set the table for Communion, and gave the dismissal.
Our choir under the direction of George Wesner provided much wonderful music, including a rousing rendition of John Wesley’s “And Can it Be that I Should Gain”.
There was also a bittersweet note to the day as we gathered to inter the ashes of Jennifer Tomlinson, Jackie’s daughter, who died unexpectedly in January, in our Memorial Garden. We are grateful for the opportunity to share moments of joy as well as sadness with one another as a parish family.
A bountiful reception followed in Carroll Hall, featuring one of Jeanette Cole’s signature cakes.